Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The marketing strategy of business network transformation
The marketing strategy of business network transformation By definition, Business Network Transformation (BNT) is a marketing strategy in which companies will adopt a different path which normally companies would follow in order to be more competitive in this dynamic business world. The two major phenomenons that are most important from any companys perspective would be faster technological innovation with respect to products services and being a reliable supplier. Extension model: Companies adopt the extension model to spread out their business to gain new piece of business with increasing demand. The following are the important aspects of Business Network Transformation    Value proposition: It is important to explicit the type of products or services the company provide to its customers. Moreover, it gives a unique value between a business and prospects of the business. It is also a strategic asset which forms a basis for Market and its strategy , Business Planning , Partner and competitors strategy , operations, Customer service and Pricing . Customer Interface    Target customer: This describes how the customer segments are targeted to achieve a profitable growth.    Distribution channel: This describes how the product reaches the customer by various routes. Relationship: This explains how the firm is linked with the customer through its various customer segments. Infrastructure Management    Value configuration: It specifies the way in which the various activities and resources of the business are arranged Core competency: This defines how the core competencies required in a business model are executed.  Partner network: This describes how to collaborate with business partners to harvest the benefit out of it. Normal way of running a business is to extract value from companys network which is a tangible asset that bridges the enterprise and consumers in terms of its connectivity capabilities. However, as explained in the definition, now the companys started adopting different way of doing their business by adopting different models whereby value is extracted from intangible assets like e-commerce initiatives, targeted advertising that will eventually generate service fees from performed transactions or commissions. This methodology of obtaining value from intangible assets will certainly outperform tangible asset -based connectivity revenues. The two terms, Present Mode of Operation (PMO) and Future Mode of Operation (FMO) are so vital in current business world. What is required from enterprise point of view is to have additional business models which will a best fit for enterprises Future mode of operation that leads to increase in revenue growth of the company and reduction in companies operational expenses by measuring the intangible assets of the business. Alcatel-lucent, a Tele- communication service provider company has been taken as an example. The company has invested in new IP, IPTV and IMS technologies in order to compete with other service providers who have expanded their network to convergence of voice, data and video services across fixed, wireless and satellite networks. In order to sustain in the competition, some of the service providers are making their current services less expensive, faster and better. Forming new Business Transformation Strategies are inevitable in current business scenario. However, there exist some inhibitions in the minds of service providers that these rapid changes in the business model might disturb current business models revenue. It has been estimated that voice and data subscription services contributes 80% of current revenue. It could be seen that a level of saturation is reached for the traditional model. Due to this saturation limit , the company Alcatel-Lucent decided has decided to go in for the advanced business model not only withstanding to allow the service providers to tap new revenue but to distinguish themselves from competitors by subscription-based businesses. Service providers have to perform critical assessment of Tangible and intangible assets within the legal boundaries in order to evaluate current business model. Return on Investment (ROI) is a main focal point for the service providers which can be achieved by tactical assets selling Real-world Business Model Innovations Due to market demand in communication industry there is increasing pressure from service providers to adopt new business models in order to penetrate through the existing market. The following are Business models in the fields of innovation Sponspered communications M-banking Broadband Community Centres Hosted Platforms Wholesaling Outsourcing Asset-sharing Content Aggregation and Brokering Targeted Advertising UGC and Communities Fulfilment E-Commerce and m-Commerce Sponsored Communications: Advertising through funded calls is one of the important innovations in the field of Telecommunication. There is appreciable change foreseen while comparing the conventional subscription model. Sort of incentives in the form of more talk time and paying lesser are the added benefits extended to the users if they accept to receive advertisement messages. Initially this methodology was put in to use by a UK Based company who manages to offer these sorts of benefits to targeted customers in the age group between sixteen to twenty four year of people, eventually this approach has yielded a reduction in end user access costs to a range between 20 to 50 % M-banking: Due to various socio-economical reasons , it can be seen that in most of the countries may not be having basic banking service to its people , on contrary using mobile faculty is so common in most of the countries . It would be rather difficult and rather expensive to manage transactions for especially for those having smaller accounts through the existing banking system due to inadequate number of branches exist in nations where population explosion is on the drive, especially in the rural areas. These shortcomings can be addressed through the M-banking which uses mobile technology. The technological advancement rather the strategy in the Mobile industry is to develop Mobile pre-paid payment engines that manage real time small transactions by the use of SMS (Short Message Service) which is really a less expensive measure to the Mobile users. This service of Mobile banking has been very successful in many countries especially in growing countries like India and China. A classic example can be quoted from a leading service provider of Telecom situated in Philippines , named as Global Telecom, who introduced a service called G-Cash service which has got electronic valet facility through which the user can send and receive electronically and payments can be made through short message texting . Due to its easiness in use it has been predicted by World Resource Institute that due to its demand, with in 5 years Mobile banking services will be extended to billion customers. Broadband Community Centres: Singapore is one of the typical examples for this feature. Community centres provide Internet facility to its residents there by offering services like e -government Tax payment, application forms, etc . In some countries like Australia, Broad band community centres assume the roles of Bank branches or government agents. Basically these centres serve the residents as a platform in which more industries and social organizations have a greater reach to the people, which become a cost effective measure for the people as well. Hosted Platforms: This approach is implemented by Alcatel-Lucent company in an African country Senegal where it hosted a mobile data centre where the service providers from four other parts of the world make use of it by providing GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) applications that run at a speed of 115 kb/s. Due to this service facility it becomes possible for the service providers are able to provide services to the end user at much shorter time period of 3 months. The main advantage in this business model can be seen from the fact that the service providers those who are in this need to pay to the host company Alcatel-Lucent as and when they use the platform. This is indeed a real benefit for countries which are under developed like Africa where the country may not sufficient users to attract Telecom companies to invest on stand-alone platforms to deliver advance services in the arena of Telecommunication in an efficient and cost effective way. Wholesaling: This type of approach is followed mostly in the developing countries where the network operator resells excess net work capacity to a retail service provider VNO (Virtual Network operator) who in turn offer services to consumers or commercial institutions Outsourcing: This approach becomes more common in most of the countries. Day to day work functions and managing the resources will be given to an external supplier. The business functions that will be offered will be diverged in nature. The external supplier will take care of related work functions of Data storage, financial accounting, Supply Chain management and HR functions like pay roll etc . The major advantage of outsourcing lies on the reduction in the total cost of ownership and extending timely service to the consumers Asset-sharing: The main advantage of this model is sharing overlapping tangible assets between services providers operate same networks in order to eliminate infrastructures that are overlapping among them. Due to this asset -sharing model the service providers can expand the area of coverage and reduce impact on environment to a greater extend. This approach again reduces the total cost of ownership and more innovative services can be provided to their consumers. Content Aggregation and Brokering: The main driver for this business model approach is the concept of UGC (User-generated content) and premium content. The user can directly purchase copy righted multimedia files through video-on-demand and pay-per-view models. What is important in this model is to ensure the integrity of the content that is purchased by the user by adopting digital rights management technology to verify the authenticity of the content. Targeted Advertising: This type of model encompasses interactive connection between people and the type of brands they are looking for through multimedia screens like TV, Mobile and Computer etc Due to the current technological advancements, these multimedia sectors become the essential revenue generating opportunities for the service providers. Premiums paid by the advertisers in this multimedia will add on to the revenue growth to the service provider which is quite substantiated. UGC and Communities: This model is growing day by day in the field of communication. The examples for this model are social network sites like Face book. MySpace, people information sites like TripAdvisor and YouTube. In these user is allowed to generate multimedia content which is distributed instantaneously to the other users. Once the content is created in these applications it can be amended, rated and commented by many group of users. The following are the common types of UGC that includes new sites, Photo sharing sites, service review sites, trip planners, social network sites, boards, blogs and gamming sites. In this concept, forums are used as the platform to share the users knowledge, experience on a topic of interest. The industry which has reaped the benefits out of this model is the broadcasting industry which has gained momentum due to persistent consumer interaction and better service orientation. Another mile stone in this model is getting the users feedback directly by introducing the option of voting via internet or mobile device so that pulse of the user is measured instantaneously. Fulfilment: This model ties the service provider and the user in terms of billing relationship leverage once the transaction is completed and service is delivered to the end user on third parties behalf. A typical example would be downloading a music album to mobile phone via internet E-Commerce and m-Commerce: This model envisages an electronic transaction in terms of buying and selling operations in the mobile services. The following electronic transactions are the typical examples for this model, consumers can use the wireless network infrastructure for Internet banking electronic funds transfers, Internet Marketing, SCM (Supply Chain Management), on line trading and electronic data interchange M-Commerce provides the end user an opportunity to pay for goods purchased using their mobile device. In other words, mobile phones are considered to be Virtual Credit Card with the usual securities in place to avoid tampering in any sort. It can be inferred from the above business model that the main drivers are reduce operational cost and increase top-line revenue. Either of the above action will lead to increase in business margin. Consultative Approach to Business Transformation It is also a newer approach being followed by Alcatel-Lucent to its service providers there by suggesting a right strategic direction by developing a structured and consultative frame work in the form of simple process Step 1 Identifying our customers PMO. Step 2 Understanding the customers top priorities and objectives Step 3 Identifying the customers intended FMO Step 4 Identifying the appropriate products, services and solutions It is anticipated for a failure if the steps are not followed which may lead to negative impact to the business results in a increase in the cost and decrease in the revenues and low margins. Failure to do so can result in negative consequences in the form of a negative spiral of growing costs and flattening or decreasing revenues and margins. The real transformation of PMO to FMO will happen after the service providers going through a transition phase in which the cost for operations will certainly increase due to deployment of new IP based system in terms of legal maintenance . Comprehensive approach to transformation has yielded good result for the enterprise. Strategic Impact Analysis The company Alcatel-Lucent has worked with both kinds of operators the modernizers and the comprehensive business transformers. . Not with standing to the fact that both operators yielded good result , however their strategies will be different . The operator Modernizers gives at most importance to technical details with tactical execution, where as the another operators emphasis is on emerging business needs and implementing strategic objectives . Creating Convergence The challenges are growing as the technology grows, hence the strategies being adopted by the enterprises and service providers should take a realistic and feasible approach in order to move forward with the transformation initiatives that nurtures Consumer relation and profitable growth . Hence creating convergence becomes so vital on the current business environment.. The following layers should be bounded together in order to bring IT and network environments connected at each and every layer of the network User exposure Business process Service abstraction Application Physical / Technical base It is not expected to have one-size-fits-all approach to transformation, however it is imperative to have each transformation initiative evaluated based on respective strategic direction thereby assessed according to its own characteristics and further tailored to meet the need .In this context what is more important is to have clear understanding of Present Mode of Operation (PMO) and to develop strategies to reach required Future Mode of Operation (FMO). Ensuring successful transformation also means finding a knowledgeable, committed network integrator partner that can act as a trusted adviser every step of the way. The best partner brings expertise and experience in IT and networks, as well as a comprehensive services methodology built on best practices and experience to mitigate risk, minimize complexity, capture new revenue, reduce costs, and position organizations to reap the business transformation benefits going forward. Today, the service provider delivers traditional voice and data services while introducing new, innovative media and entertainment offerings that generate new streams of revenue over a common network infrastructure. In addition, the service provider is reaping full advantage from Alcatel-Lucents field-proven solutions and integration expertise, enabling the provider to meet its strategic network and business transformation goals as well as commercial and operational objectives. Conclusion It can be seen from the strategies implemented by the company Alcatel-Lucent clearly exemplifies that business growth was seen by Business coordination, adopting network transformation and extending customer services. It is imperative that the organization and the service providers should start adopting non-traditional ways to monetize their intangible assets e.g. community, location and billing relationship that could be influenced to enhance Consumers trust and confidence The strategies adopted by their service providers determine the emerging demands and define key business drivers that will lead to transformation. Furthermore, these strategies pave path way for a market winning situation by adopting new technologies
Monday, January 20, 2020
He Says, She Says: A Synthesis Essay -- Essays Papers
He Says, She Says: A Synthesis Communication between men and women is a constant comparison of differing and many times opposite forms of reasoning. But should these differences hinder our ability to communicate with the opposite sex? There are many differing opinions concerning this topic. While trying to understand our differences we have lost site of the fact that somewhere in our conflicting thought patterns and methods of communication is the challenge and intrigue that attracts us to the opposite sex. Rather than seeing our communication diversities as obstacles we should consider them challenges that draw and keep our attention. You do not need to be an expert on human behavior to appreciate gender classified language and its effects on male female relationships, however many experts have attempted to tackle the issue. Deborah Tannen is the author of several books concerning inter-gender relations and addresses the issue of differing reasoning resulting in misunderstanding. Tannen describes differences between male and female communication skills as a series of predetermined thought patterns. She states that men and women simply have a different way of going about communication. She believes that different ways of communicating stem from differing desired results of the conversation at hand. A married couple was in a car when the wife turned to her husband and asked, â€Å"Would you like to stop for a coffee?†â€Å"No, thanks,†he answered truthfully. So they didn’t stop. The result? The wife, who had indeed wanted to stop, became annoyed because she felt her preference had not been considered. The husband, seeing his wife was angry, became frustrate. Why didn’t she just say what she wanted? (Tannen p... ... the office. These anecdotes are entirely anti-female based and sound more like what a paranoid feminist might think than what actually goes through the minds of men and women alike in the workplace. However Josefowitz accurately portrays the inevitable presence of separation of thought patterns between men and women. As much as the problems associated with inter-gender communications are a result of differing ways of expression, so are they results of differing ways of comprehension. So before we point a finger at the opposite sex we must first examine our own. Think not of our communicative troubles as deterrents, but rather as attractions and representations of our exceptional differences. Works Cited - Tannen, Deborah. â€Å"Can’t we Talk?†A Meeting of Minds. - Turner, Robin. â€Å"Male Logic and Woman’s Intuition†. A Meeting of Minds.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Renaissance Theatre
The Renaissance Theatre By Macey Colburn, Brendan Simpson, Dayana Romero and Bryan D During the late fourteenth through the early seventeenth century an awaking of the arts and learning boomed in the western world. This awaking or rebirth is known as the Renaissance. The Renaissance era was a glorious time. European politics changed dramatically there was a rise of kings and princes and merchants became key economic figures. As people started to accumulate more money they had leisure time to fill and would become eager to show off their fortune by hiring artists to create extravagant works for them.During the Renaissance there was an apparent change in the art from medieval art. Medieval artists focused on religious subjects in their paintings and sculptures where Renaissance artists focused on human beings and creating realistic paintings and sculptures. In 1450 the printing press was invented and this made literature available to great numbers of people. The Renaissance also saw an impressive development in theatre, especially in Italy, England, Spain, and France. The English Renaissance was a time when language and literature flourished.This period is often called the Elizabethan period because Queen Elizabeth was the major political figure. She reigned for forty-five years from 1558 to 1603. During this time the English were intrigued by language and Queen Elizabeth was an amateur linguist. Not only did the English love language they also had a love for the theatre. Two great playwrights of the Elizabethan era were Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare. Christopher Marlowe, one of the most important playwrights of the Elizabethan era, was known for perfecting a key element to theatre; dramatic poetry.Marlowe’s â€Å"mighty line†also known as his dramatic verse in iambic pentameter developed strength, subtlety, and suppleness as well as great lyric beauty. Marlowe wrote several plays including Doctor Faustus (c. 1588) Tamburlaine (Parts 1 and 2; c. 1587) and Edward II (c. 1592). Unfortunately this lyric genius’ life was cut short when he was stabbed to death in a tavern brawl in 1593. He died at the age of twenty- nine. The other great playwright of this era was William Shakespeare. Shakespeare appeared on the theatre scene around 1590 just about the time Marlowe made his debut. He was a native of Stratford-on-Avon and his father was a glove aker and his mother was the daughter of a prominent landowner and farmer. Shakespeare was educated in Stratford and he married Ann Hathaway. She bore him three children and was several years older than Shakespeare. By the time Shakespeare’s third child was born he left his family and went to London where he first worked as an actor and soon after became a playwright. He combined Senecan dramatic devices, the platform stage, powerful dramatic verse, source material form English history, Roman history and drama, and episodic plot structure and made all these element s into the most remarkable plays ever created.The theatres that were big during the Elizabethan era were public or outdoor theatres. The plays of Shakespeare and Marlowe were mainly performed in public theatres. These theatres where located outside the city limits of London to avoid government restrictions. All levels of society attended public theatres and the most famous public theatre was the Globe theatre because it was the home of Shakespeare’s plays. The theatres were built to hold a lot of people and the exact shape of the theatres varied.Depending on the shape of the theatres the public theatres could hold between 1,500 to 3,000 people. The stage of the public theaters was a raised platform that was closer to a contemporary thrust than to a proscenium stage. This kind of stage was great for quickly changing locations from a bedroom to a battlefield. In the stage floor were trapdoors. Behind the raised platform was the stage house. The stage house also known as the tir ing house was a three story building where changing costumes took place and for storing properties and set pieces.Other than the public theatre there were also private theatres. The Elizabethan private theatres were indoor spaces lit by candles and had high windows. Private theatres were open to the general public and because they were smaller seating was limited so the private theatres were a bit pricier than the public theatres. Costumes of the Elizabethan Era followed the conventions and traditions of medieval English theatre. During the English Renaissance the monarchy had strict laws and regulations for the acting companies.Elizabethan acting companies could only have twenty five members and these members were organized on a sharing plan. There were three categories of personal in a company: shareholders, hirelings, and apprentices. Shareholders were the elite members of the company and received a percentage of the troupes profits. Hirelings were actors that were hired for a ce rtain amount of time and were paid a specific salary and played the minor roles. Apprentices were the young performers. They trained for a profession and were assigned to shareholders. Players were a royal pleasure, and to please royalty was a major aim of the companies. The story of the companies between 1572 and 1642 is one of increasing royal favor and protection, from first 1572 statute which gave warrant to their quality, through the accolade of direct royal patronage after 1603, to final period when the royal protection ceased to be meaningful. There is, none the less, despite the royal favours and the origins of the companies in employment as entertainers – Adult mummers or boy choristers – no question but that the profit motive was totally predominant†(Gur 19).During this time there were no female performers. Women’s roles were often played by boys or men. â€Å"The exact date of the actress’s debut is not known, but is usually assumed to be 8 December 1660, when it is known that a woman played Desdemona in a production of Othello by Thomas Killigrew’s King’s Company. A special prologue was written by the poet Thomas Jordon ‘to introduce the first Woman that came to act on the stage in the tragedy called the Moor of Venice’: â€Å"The Woman playes today, mistake me not, / No Man in Gown, or Page in PettyCoat.A week later one Andrew Newport wrote to Sir Richard Leveson that ‘upon our stages we have women actors, as beyond seas’ †(Howe 19). Companies would rarely perform the same play on two consecutive days and each company had to be able to revive plays in its repertory on very short notice. Because of this the actors were kept on their toes and improvisation was used frequently. Also to keep the actor’s memories refreshed plots or outlines of the dramatic action of the various plays were posted backstage.Rehearsals were run by playwrights or leading actors and be cause rehearsal time was minimal the prompter became an asset to the production. Not only in England flourish in great age of renaissance theatre but so did Spain. In the 1550 to 1650 was the Golden Spain Age. Spain became the leading of the New World because of its exploration and conquest of the new world. They controlled all of the Netherlands. But in 1558 it lost it power because of the defeat of Spanish Armada. The Spanish Armada was when Spain was going for the protestant of Queen Elizabeth in England.One of their difference between the Spanish and the English, was the religion drama. Spanish were the ones that practice more about non religion drama. The full-length secular, as to being three acts, which were comedias. Most of the comedias were about love and honor. One of the play writes of the Golden Age was Lope de Vega who was born on November 25, 1562 after Shakespeare. He wrote about 1,500 plays but said about 470 still today. One of his well known Punishment without Rev enge that was written in 1631. Just a few years before he died on August 27, 1635.Another known play wright was Calderon de la Barca who was born in Madrid, Spain on January 17, 1600. He was known to be one of the greatest dramatists during the Golden Age. One of his well known plays was Life is a Dream that he wrote in 1636. In 1651 Calderon became a priest and still continue to write plays. May 25, 1681. During the Golden Age there were females that were playwrights, but their production was never presented. These playwrights were presented on a stage called Corrales. The Corrales were located in the courtyard by close together building.The Corrales had a similarity to the English public theater. They had an open- air space. One of the most known Corrales was located in Madrid, the Corral de la Cruz and the Corral del Principe. In the corral it held about 2,000 specters, 1,000 were for men and 350 for women, and the rest was for the government and the clergy. In the Golden Age onl y about sixteen to twenty performers. The Spanish did include the women also unlike the English. Although the church did not agree with women being performers, so the Spanish government had to eliminate women from acting.Only women who were married to one of the actors they could be part of the performance. The Renaissance era of theater in France started later than it did on other countries such as England or Spain. In France, Renaissance theater did not start until the late seventeenth century, partially due to a civil war going on at the time between Catholic and Protestant parties, which was brought to an end in fifteen ninety four when King Henry the IV created the Edict of Nantes, which gave tolerance to both the Catholic and protestant religions.Now that there was religious stability and the political system was settled down, French society was able to grow and flourish under King Louis XIV. During this time France sent expeditions to Canada and the Louisiana Territory in Ame rica. During this period of peace in france, the society was influenced greatly by the innovations and ideas of the Italian Renaissance. Many aspects of French theater were taken from themes of the Italian Renaissance. Even though there were many playwrights during this period, a few of the most important were Moliere, Pierre Corneille, and Jean Racine.Moliere was most widely known for his comedies while Corneille and Racine were known for their tragedies. Out of these three writers, Moliere was probably the most influential to the french Renaissance. He was not only a dramatist, but he actually acted as well and headed up a theatrical troupe. His first couple ventures into theater were failures, but he soon learned from his mistakes and came back as one of the most influential playwrights in the history of French Renaissance.His work was strongly influenced by Italian commedia dell’arte and uses this style in his plays such as â€Å"Tartuffe†, â€Å"The Misanthropeâ € , and â€Å"The Miser†. This style uses exaggerated characters and makes fun of the exaggerations that the characters portray. Corneille and Racine also wrote some notable plays such as Corneille’s play â€Å"The Cid†and Racine’s play â€Å"Phaedra†but some of their plays were looked at in a negative manner for their writing style or lack of following the rules of playwriting at the time.The style of theaters and performance stages used in France during the Renaissance period were also unique. One notable theater was in the Hotel de Bourgogne. It was a long narrow platform stage which was the only indoor theater in Paris for almost a century until sixteen thirty four. There was also a strong Italian influence in the theaters in France as well. The amphitheaters were a good example of this. Even though the architecture differed slightly, they still consisted of a stage that backed up to a wall with rows of bleacher like seating in front of th e stage.In the sixteen fifties, Louis XIV built a theater called the Hall Of Machines. This was the largest playhouse in Europe and enabled sets to be lowered onstage from above the stage. Even though the French Renaissance did not start as early as other countries, and some of their ideas were borrowed from other countries such as Italy, it still had an influence on theater and produced some great writers and actors such as Moliere’s work became prominent at the time. Corneille and Racine’s tragedies were also notable at the time.But despite the fact that France had some innovations in theater and some great plays, most of their theatrical traditions were heavily patterned after the already established ways of Italian theater and designs. MLA Citations Sources: http://www. cwu. edu/~robinsos/ppages/resources/Theatre_History/Theahis_8. html VIII. The Theatre in France–1500-1700, Scott R. Robinson Howe, Elizabeth. â€Å"Chapter 1. †The First English Actre sses. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992. Viii+. Print. Gurr, Andrew. â€Å"2. The Companies. †The Shakespearean Stage 1574-1642. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1970. 1-183. Print.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Anti Jewish Actions Taken By The Nazi Party - 1379 Words
Jerusaline Pullikottil, PAPER 2, 04/30/2015. This paper deals with the information’s regarding escalation of the anti-Jewish actions taken by the Nazi party in the 1930s and early 1940s. And will be describing the dehumanizing effects of life in concentration camps. The life of Jews and the suffering in the concentration camps. Although the Germans and the rest of the world was concentrating on WWII, many innocent Jews were experiencing different type of torture. They were subjected to be humiliated in public, shaved and branded and placed in concentration camps. Budapest radio had announced that the fascist party had seized the power. Minklos Horthy the regent, was forced to ask the leader of the pro-Nazi†¦show more content†¦This was the only thing people talked about. But not for long. Less than three days German army vehicles made their appearance on the streets. The first impression of the German soldiers were rather reassuring (page 9). Officers were billeted in private houses even in Jewish houses. They were polite towards their hosts. They were very good, never had any impossible demands, dint make any offensive remarks and even smiled at the lady of the house. Germans being already in the town and the fascists already in power the verdict was already out but the Jews of the Sighet were still smiling. Eight days later, weather was abstract. The chapel were no longer open. Private houses were gathered with people. Rabbi’s homes became house of prayer. By the seventh day of the Passover the curtains had finally rose, the Germans had arrested the leaders of the Jewish community. That was the point on everything had started happening quickly. The course towards death had initiated. Jews were restricted from leaving their own houses for three days, under the cost of their own life. I warned you said Moishe the beadle, and left without waiting for an answer (page 10). On the same day Hungarian police burst in to every Jewish house in th e town. Later on Jews were forbidden to own gold, jewellery, or any valuable. Everything was given away to the authorities under the penalty of their own life. After few
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